Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sant Joan, book you apartment at FlatsByDays

Sant Joan is celebrated every year at the start of the summer season and the day with the longest period of daylight. It is always celebrated on the evening of June 23th and June 24th is a public holiday. Sant Joan takes place from sundown to sunrise on the eve of Sant Joan day which is also called ´Verbenas´.

The traditions of Sant Joan are split in 5 elements:
- Fire
- Water
- Herbs
- Fireworks
- Food

Fire: There will be bonfires all around Barcelona. People throw for instance old furniture into the fires, what is symbolizing ´out with the old in with the new´. Another tradition is that you write your wishes in the air.

Water: Wather is symbolizing cleanness; people can clean there sin in the water.

Herbs: Rosemary, Thyme and Verbena (the herb that gave name to the fiestas!) are collected and eaten on Sant Joan. The herb verbena was offered to the Gods in ancient times. The smell is very powerful.

Fireworks: People believe that they scare ghosts and witches away by the bangs of the fireworks.

Food: Food is not a special element of Sant Joan. During every festival or party Catalan people tend to eat a lot, while it is a part of the culture.

So do not wait and come to this ´feel good´ festival! Partying from sundown to sunrise and enjoying to old Catalan rituals : ) We can recommend you our Opera apartment which offers an oasis of tranquility!

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